The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Schindler's List

Schindler's List has been, by far, my favorite book off my summer reading list. Thomas Keneally did an incredible amount of research about the life of Oskar Schindler. He specifically mentions that most of the details come from detailed accounts given by the Schindlerjuden or Schindler Jews whom he spoke with. The book was incredibly well written. It is hard to believe it is a true story because some of the events just seem impossible. The number of things that lined up just right time after time seem like they are pushing believability to far. Maybe thats why the story is so powerful, because it's so unbelievable it has to be true no one could make this up and have it all work out the way it does. We aren't programmed to write these kind of endings.


Ms. Paradise said...

I'll have to pick that one up next summer... I've purposefully kept away from that movie and book because I don't know how I would be able to handle it. I saw the movie Hotel Rowanda, and that made me depressed for months!

Carmen said...

I'm happy for you that you liked it. I've never read it, but I've heard of it before. And I've gotta agree with P-dise about Hotel Rwanda, because that was REALLY sad!

Anna said...

I've never seen Hotel Rwanda but heard it was really good even though it's sad. I really liked Schindler's List though and I think it's a good one for people to read.

montana said...

Glad to hear you liked it and hearing that is a good thing for me, because that is next on my list once I finish Pride and Prejudice.

Ms. Paradise said...

Anna, just make sure you are very emotionally sound before watching Hotel Rowanda... whew! It would be a great film to discuss in a sociology class or current events... even though it's not really current, but those types of things are still happening in Africa (Darfur).

Anna said...

Tana I love Pride and Prejudice but you are going to have a big change going from that to Schindler's List. Good Luck! P-dise I appreciate the warning because I am a very emotional movie watcher.

Dylan said...

Im really glad you enjoyed the book. I heard the movie was really good too.

montana said...

So. I pretty much totally agree with what you just said. It is a very well written book. I enjoyed it and Keneally must have spent a lot of time researching, so yay for him. :) Glad you liked it and I'm gald I read it, but Although I liked it I;m not sure that it was my favorite of the summer.