The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Hello all! Just another random post because it's kind of depressing to have only posts for AP on here. Anyway my brother's birthday was on Wed and he now has his permit and is officially street legal. Just a warning to everyone. Anyway I got my AP Chem and ACT scores back which is good because I was going crazy waiting. I did pretty good on both. Better than I thought on AP and not quite as good as I hoped on the ACT but not bad overall. I haven't really been doing anything exciting. Just going to weights and putting off doing my application essays. On the plus side I have gotten faster and stronger this summer even if I still can't jump. Oh well I have to go do something productive.


Ms. Paradise said...

yeah for random posts! Congrats on your good scores and THANKS for the warning about your brother. I'll keep my eyes open!

Dylan said...

I bet Bill will just keep riding his bike instead of driving. And make sure he stays off that leg so he can get it healed and play soccer.