The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jane Eyre

Yes, this post is actually relevant to the reason I even have a blog and am (sort of) keeping it up. I finished Jane Eyre. It only took me a couple of weeks. Actually I've had it done for a little while but my lazy summer days are in my rearview mirror and...Anyway Jane Eyre.
First let me say that I did like it. I thought it was a good book, well written, obviously it's a classic so I'm not saying anything anyone doesn't already know. I liked Jane herself for the most part. I didn't like the fact that characteristics I could relate to more were somewhat repressed when she got older. She was willful and somewhat impulsive and these things were not gone just always presented in a bad light. She reminded me in some parts of the book of the character Uriah Heep from David Copperfield who was very quiet and 'umble and had his own agenda. I realize that both the time the book was written and the time it was set were very different from now and that many things have changed. It was harder for me to related and sympathize with her while she was a governess then while she was a child or a teacher. I was glad it had a happy ending (sort of) but I was not expecting it.
Overall I liked it. As I was trying to explain to my aunt, I read books differently when I read them with the intent of writing a paper on them. I was looking for things for my paper not really just appreciating the book. But let me reiterate one more time I LIKED THE BOOK.


Carmen said...

What was the book about? I've heard of it, but I've never read it. I'm glad you liked it, it seems like that's becoming more and more rare. Anyway, good luck with your papers!

Ms. Paradise said...

I'm so glad that you liked the book. I really liked the book when I read it... I won't admit how many years ago...Therea re some really great movie versions out there too. I've got one you can borrow, it's pretty good. I'm all about literary movies! :)

Sarah said...

I think you are the first one to blog about a book they liked... i liked my first one it was just boring... well i wish you luck writing your paper!

emilee said...

I have to agree with you, the book is very well written, and I also liked it, also it took me a long time to read it, because I was confused at first...

alex said...

i tried to read that book and got very confused...i think i'm going to try it again once i start reading more!!!