The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


This post has absolutely nothing to do with literature or the books I'm reading. I am bored to tears and felt the need to pretend I'm being productive. So instead of taking the opportunity of doing something truly productive such as start my In Cold Blood paper, research some scholarships, or even do yoga I have chosen to do this instead. Lest you all think that all I have done today is this, I would like to take the opportunity of noting that I went not only to church this morning but to Sunday School as well which starts an hour earlier. Once church was over I went and worked on acquiring skin cancer while watching my brother's soccer game, they beat Danville btw : ) After that I went home and cleaned out my car. I washed it too even though it looked like it was going to rain. With the amount of time I took and everything it should have just poured before I was done but it didn't and now it's gorgeous out again. Lousy weather. On a different note, my little sister's cat might be the most ridiculous pet we've ever owned. She is a long-ish haired calico and about 3 years old. Normally she pretends not to be able to stand anyone in the family and only deigns to let us pet her if we are clearly occupied with something else such as being on the computer or eating or something like that. This cold-shoulder, silent treatment changes however when the weather gets nice and she can see out the screen door. She becomes violently offended by the fact that our dogs, who we have an invisible fence for, are allowed to come and go as they please whenever they bark at the door. She will sit there at the door making a kind of strangled meowing that sounds almost like she's trying to bark. These noises in addition to her standing on her back feet and batting at the door handle which is only about 2 feet higher than she can reach make for quite the spectacle. We have all learned to open the door about 4 inches, scoot an arm out, open it enough to get head and upper torso out, feel around for the cat with our feet and once we've scooted her back from the door, make a kind of hop and slam the door quickly. Since the dogs have had a little trouble mastering this, when we let them in or out, we either scoot the cat out of the way, pick her up and pitch her in the general direction of the couch, or simply try to be as stealthy as possible opening the door. She inevitably slips out at some point and it falls to the person who let her out to chase her down before she gets to far from the house. The only reason we keep her inside is because of coyotes. Speaking as one who has been awakened at ungodly hours of the night in a panic unable to breathe because of a spiked weight sitting on my stomach, or had a shoe chewed (sometimes I swear she thinks she's a dog) because she got bored after going back in my closet convinced that something must have changed since I had removed her 30 secs. before, coyotes around here can't be that bad. (I'm just kidding people, don't get offended here) Oh well I've wasted enough time. Time to go do something I should.


Carmen said...

I simply can't hear anything about your cat without remembering the first time I saw her. I seriously thought she was a stuffed animal that poor Alice was dragging around the lawn! :)

Ms. Paradise said...

hahaaha... cats.. I hate them! :)