The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Ok. The character of Sir Gawain. He is a knight which means that he follows the code of chivalry. He has a high sense of honor and those kind of qualities. He is part of Arthur's court so that put him at legendary status. He can virtually do no wrong. But by the same token at the end the reason he got touched at all was because he kept the belt and didn't turn it over. He was only human and didn't want to die. The Green Knight was not totally evil or good. He would not have put Gawain in that position if he was totally good but he would have not have shown mercy if he was totally evil. I'm not sure what he symbolizes, I'm not to good at that stuff. I think green usually symbolizes envy or jealousy but I'm not sure how those fit into this piece. The New Year's meeting could be because that's usually a peaceful, celebratory season. Or it may have something to do with it being the start of a new year and starting over. I don't even know.


montana said...

I see what you're saying about the Green Knight being good or evil. He was put up to the whole idea by Morgan le Fay, so while it wasn't his idea, he was willing to go through with it.

Sarah said...

i agree that it is hard to tell what some of the things symbolize, like the color green and the whole thing with new years. i agree that maybe it has someting to do with starting over or starting new.

emilee said...

so we understood the book about the same?? haha... anyway i totally agree about the not good or evil thing!! also the only thing i could come up with about green is the knight and the silk we must suck at symbolism

Ms. Paradise said...

this symbolism was hard to pick out, i'll give you all that. but, you're really being harder on yourselves than you should be. You're doing a really good job with this stuff... you just need to be more confident.

Dylan said...

I think your right about the whole New Years thing with starting over and a peaceful time, just how it is in modern times. Oh and make sure Bill gets alot of rest tonight we got Martinsville tomorrow, yeah!!!!

Amanda said...

So I'm going to have to agree with everyone so far on the New Years thing that it symbolizes something about starting over. I guess its kind of like how people make new years resolutions to somewhat start over in something of there life

Carmen said...

I agree about the New Year's thing, that was really good thinking. I had no clue, personally. Also, I like Tana's comment about Morgan le Fay; I hadn't thought of that at all.

JCat said...

I'm gonna have to agree with Amanda on the whole idea of what green symbolizes.

That's all I've got.

alex said...

I also agree that it is hard to categorize him as good or bad.... it kind of depends on which part you are reading....

Colin said...

Yeah i agree with montana. He was doing his duty