The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Monday, September 22, 2008

small (political) Rant

Ok I am so sorry but my mom emailed me this link and when I read it I got pretty upset. The story is about killing abortion survivors. That means babies that survive the initial abortion attempt. It has to do with Obama's views on the subject which are in favor of killing babies that survive abortion. It really breaks my heart more than anything. I heard someone talk about abortion in a segment about how Every Living Person Should Be Pro-Life. I have to say I agree with that I mean just think, what if your mom had had an abortion? Anyway here's the link...,_this_woman_would_be_dead?page=full&comments=true
I'm going to do Calculus...

1 comment:

Ms. Paradise said...

While I FULLY agree with your anti-abortion stance, and dislike the fact that my candidate of choice does not support my beliefs, wouldn't you agree that this essay has an obvious political slant, and uses emotion to gain readers instead of more logical reasoning? I DO NOT support abortion, but I also think that making all forms of abortion illegal would be a mistake (which is what Palin would intend to do). It is an emotional issue, yes, but I think the writer makes him/herself look a little too radical in my opinion with the sweeping generalizations and making democrats out to be "quasi-Talibanish."
A bit extreme for my tastes. I wish that BOTH sides would quit with the sensationalism of the opposite side, and truly debate issues, not semantics.