The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Post

Woo-hoo! I got my blog set up before school got out. I am just going to mention that I am reading Schindler's List first for my summer reading list. I think I might like blogging. What better thing could there be other than a random stream of conscience about a book you are reading? Prepare for random posts over the summer when I get bored. Caio.


Ms. Paradise said...

Congrats on the new blog! Let me know what you think of your book. Have you seen the movie? I haven't read it or seen it. I'm interested if they are similar or completely different like so many movies based on books.

Carmen said...

Hey Anna! I really like the background with all the fun dots. I never realized that's how you spell "Caio". It looks funny. :)