The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Due to a number of received comments about the author's misspelling of the word "liberal" it is hereby corrected. "libral" -> "liberal" The author would also like to point out that this was a typo and not her deplorable spelling abilities that led to this unpleasantnesses. (Spellcheck puts the little red line under the first spelling.)

Monday, August 11, 2008


I can really only do anything for a short amount of time before becoming distracted and that is my only excuse for posting this instead of finishing my Cat on a Hot Tin Roof paper. I needed a break to collect my thoughts and I want to save some of my new Runner's World for later so I got on the internet and decided I needed a laugh so I went on For those who don't know its a blog site dedicated to "exposing libral media bias". It generally makes fun of key media figures and the lengths to which they will go to defend the media darlings. While it is often somewhat right-wing extreme I generally find it good for a laugh. There are a number of 'regulars' who read and comment on stories and it cracks me up. These people all know each other and there will be posts from 2am. I do recommend it though (if you have a sense of humor and are not fanatical one way or another because it will probably cause a severe facial tic or worse if you are).
In other news I would like to report that Melissa English is recovering nicely from her ACL surgery last Mon. I have been over there a lot and as of today she is allowed to walk. By the way for those who don't know ginger is a good anti-inflammatory and tastes far better than advil especially in cookie form. (I have a very good recipe if anyone needs it.) I am going to finish my paper now! OK bye