The ADD rants and randomness of a high school senior.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

first book

Well due to Schindler's List being checked out of the library when I went to get it and my other books from my list I had to change my plans a little. I ended up reading In Cold Blood first instead. I have seen some movies and read some books that I consider disturbing but this has to be the worst. It is absolutely nauseating. For those who don't know what it is about, and I can't honestly say I recommend reading it even though it is very well written, I'll give a short summary. It is about the mass murder of a family of four named Cuttler who lived in Kansas in the 1950s. They were killed by two men who had broken in with the intent of robbery and who had come prepared to eliminate witnesses. The book starts by talking about the family and it follows their last day alive. The rest of it follows their killers and the townspeople and police in the aftermath. Truman Capote goes inside the minds of the killers and it's a scary place. The book just doesn't feel like it can be a true story. It seems like something that has to be made up because you just can't comprehend that kind of thing happening in real life. It's a story from a horror movie not real life. I really can't even imagine what the victims must have gone through. The focus on the killers almost makes it worse. You hate them for what they did and their complete emotional detachment and lack of understanding of the magnitude of the crime. They were obviously mentally unbalanced but you end up pitying them even though you hate them. It is just so pathetic. I can't believe I really read this book. I just picked some books off of the list and I'm not lying I think that there are probably other books I would have liked better. Oh well now I just have to write my paper. Over what I have no idea...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Post

Woo-hoo! I got my blog set up before school got out. I am just going to mention that I am reading Schindler's List first for my summer reading list. I think I might like blogging. What better thing could there be other than a random stream of conscience about a book you are reading? Prepare for random posts over the summer when I get bored. Caio.